Aquarium Clock
domingo, 30 de maio de 2010
En gramática, una apócope (del griego apokopé < apokopto, "cortar") es la alteración la escritura o pronunciación de las palabras sin alterar su significado.
Donde se produce la pérdida o desaparición de uno o varios fonemas o sílabas al final de algunas palabras (puede ocurrir al principio de la palabra o en el medio de la palabra.
El género de esta palabra es femenino.
En español se apocopan algunos adjetivos, adverbios, sustantivos, verbos y determinativos.
Adjetivos calificativos Apocopados:
Ante masculino singular:
bueno → buen: "buen día"
malo → mal: "mal augurio"
Ante un nombre en singular:
grande → gran: "gran carrera" (Excepto cuando anteceden los adverbios más o menos: "la más grande carrera")
santo → san: "San Antonio", “San Pablo”
Mucho → muy (apócope de muito, del latín multum).
Esto sucede cuando precede a un adjetivo o a un adverbio, pero no ante más, menos, mejor y peor: "muy bajo, muy temprano".
Tanto → tan y cuanto → cuán. Los dos pierden la sílaba final ante adjetivos o adverbios: "tan bonito, cuán cercano",
pero no ante una forma verbal, aunque en el lenguaje coloquial se haga a veces: "tan es así, tan era cierto".
Las formas correctas son: "tanto es así, tanto era cierto".
recientemente → recién
ciento → cien. Ciento se apocopa ante un sustantivo (aunque éste vaya precedido de un adjetivo):
"Los cien estupendos libros",
"Las cien mejores poesías".
Se apocopa también cuando es multiplicador de mil:
"Los cien mil hijos de San Luis".
uno → un. Se apocopa ante nombres masculinos:
"Un artículo".
También los cardinales compuestos de uno: "veintiún soldados".
primero → primer. Se apocopa delante de un sustantivo masculino singular:
"Su primer libro no era tan bueno",
"Su primer y único novio".
Según la Real Academia Española, la apócope ante sustantivos femeninos es un arcaísmo que debe evitarse en el habla culta actual.
tercero → tercer. Su uso es igual al de primer.
“Tercer piso”.
moto → motocicleta
foto → fotografía
tele → televisión
mini → minifalda
profe → profesor o profesora
bici → bicicleta
Nombres propios
Jose → José/Josefina
Bea → Beatriz
Cris → Cristina o Cristóbal
Rafa → Rafael/Rafaela
Naty → Natalia o Natividad
Gabo → Gabriel (Gaby → Gabriela)
Dani → Daniel/Daniela
Tere → Teresa
Lili → Liliana
Fer → Fernando/a
Sebas → Sebastián
Kari → Karina
Mari → María, Marisol, Maribel, etc.
Vale → Valeriano/a, Valentino/a, Valeria
Mafe o Mafer → María Fernanda
Majo → María José
Cori → Corina
Ele → Elena
Migue → Miguel/Miguelina
Joha → Johana
Fabi → Fabio/Fabiola, Fabián/Fabiana
Yami → Yamileth
Pame → Pamela
Ale → Alejandro/a
Alex → Alexander/Alexandra, Alexis
Imperativo en singular
decir → di (decí)
hacer → haz (hacé)
poner → pon (poné)
salir → sal (salí)
tener → ten (tené)
venir → ven (vení)
(Es bueno señalar que en algunos países como Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Costa Rica no se utilizan estas apócopes)
Junk food
Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods which are perceived to have little or no nutritional value, or to products with nutritional value but which also have ingredients considered unhealthy when regularly eaten, or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all.
Junk foods are typically ready to eat convenience foods containing high levels of saturated fats, salt, or sugar; and little or no fruit, vegetables, or dietary fiber.
Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, chocolate, ice cream, cake, French fries and pizza.
quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010
Volveran las golondrinas de Adolfo Becquer
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Volverán las oscuras golondrinas
en tu balcón sus nidos a colgar,
y otra vez con el ala a sus cristales
jugando llamarán.
Pero aquellas que el vuelo refrenaban
tu hermosura y mi dicha a contemplar,
aquellas que aprendieron nuestros nombres...
ésas... ¡no volverán!
Volverán las tupidas madreselvas
de tu jardín las tapias a escalar,
y otra vez a la tarde aún más hermosas
sus flores se abrirán.
Pero aquellas cuajadas de rocío
cuyas gotas mirábamos temblar
y caer como lágrimas del día...
ésas... ¡no volverán!
Volverán del amor en tus oídos
las palabras ardientes a sonar;
tu corazón de su profundo sueño
tal vez despertará.
Pero mudo y absorto y de rodillas,
como se adora a Dios ante su altar,
como yo te he querido..., desengáñate,
nadie así te amará.
Ello: Pronombre Personal 3° Singular igual a "lo"
1. Forma neutra del pronombre personal tónico de tercera persona del singular.
Procede del demostrativo neutro latino y corresponde a “lo” (pronombres personales)
Pronombres personales átonos.:
Formas. Los pronombres personales átonos son aquellos que funcionan como complemento verbal no preposicional (Ya te lo he dicho) o como formante de los verbos pronominales (Ahora me arrepiento).
Precisamente por su carácter átono, se pronuncian necesariamente ligados al verbo, con el que forman una unidad acentual. Estos pronombres carentes de independencia fónica se denominan, en general, «clíticos» ):
. cuando anteceden al verbo (me encanta; lo dijo; se fue)
. se llaman «proclíticos»;
. cuando siguen al verbo (ayúdame, díselo, vete)
. se llaman «enclíticos».
A continuación se ofrece un cuadro con sus formas:
formas de los pronombres personales átonos
Persona gramatical Singular Plural
1.ª pers. me nos
2.ª pers. te os*
3.ª pers. compl. directo masc. Lo
(también le; → Leísmo, 2)
fem. la las
compl. directo o atributo neutro lo —
compl. indirecto le
(o se ante otro pronombre.
átono; → se, 1a)
(o se ante otro pronombre. átono; → se, 1a)
forma reflexiva se
* En América, en Canarias y en parte de Andalucía, no se usa el pronombre personal vosotros para la segunda persona del plural. En su lugar se emplea ustedes, que en esas zonas sirve tanto de tratamiento de confianza como de respeto ( Usted).
Por lo tanto, los pronombres personales átonos de segunda persona del plural que se utilizan en esas zonas son los que corresponden, gramaticalmente, a la tercera - lo(s), la(s) y le(s) -.
A ustedes, niños, los espero en casa
(frente a A vosotros, niños, os espero en casa).
. En la lengua actual puede tener como antecedente oraciones, pronombres o grupos nominales neutros y varios sustantivos de cosa considerados conjuntamente:
Me enfrenté con mi jefe y pagué por ello;
Si traen algo para mí, vendré por ello más tarde;
Tenía huevos, aceite y un par de patatas: con ello preparó una tortilla.
2. Sus propiedades se han ido reduciendo con el tiempo y usos que eran normales en épocas pasadas han desaparecido del español general actual.
Entre las funciones que puede ejercer este pronombre, la más habitual es la de término de preposición:
«Ana trató de localizarlos en cuanto tuvo fuerzas para ello»
No puede funcionar como complemento directo (para ello se emplea el pronombre átono lo:
—¿Crees que dice la verdad?
—Lo creo,
y no *Ello creo), pero sí como complemento indirecto y, en ese caso, no admite la coaparición del pronombre átono correspondiente a esta función:
«Los hombres superiores son virtuosos y a ello debían también sus dones» no sería correcto decir
a ello le debían también sus dones. Funciona muy raramente como sujeto, casi siempre en la lengua culta escrita y, a menudo, con valor conectivo equivalente a lo cual:
«Sé que (el hecho) fue casi atroz mientras duró (...). Ello no significa que su relato pueda conmover a un tercero»
También se utiliza en expresiones más o menos fijas con el verbo ser:
«Solo quiero consolarte, hasta donde ello es posible”.
Pronombres demostrativos,posesivos,objetivos directo,indirecto y reflexivos
Neutros: Esto, eso aquellos
Pronombres posesivos
Reemplazan a un sustantivo indicando a quién pertenece. Llevan artículo (el mío, los tuyos, la nuestra, las suyas, etc.)
mío / a
nuestro / a
nuestros / as
tuyo / a
vuestro / a
vuestros / as
suyo /a
suyo /a
suyos /as
suyos /as
suyo /a
suyo /a
suyos /as
suyos /as
tuyo / a
tuyos / as
Pronombres objetivos
Los pronombres objetivos reemplazan a una palabra o frase que en la oración cumple la función de objeto directo o indirecto.
Pronombres objeto directo
Los pronombres objeto directo reemplazan a una palabra o frase que, en la oración, cumple esa función. (“Ayer vi una película / Ayer la vi; Conozco a tu hermano / Lo conozco; Compramos una casa a buen precio / La compramos a buen precio; ¿Ya sacaron los pasajes ? / ¿Ya los sacaron?
Se ubican delante del verbo (lo veo, me llama, te quiero, la buscan, etc.), excepto con el infinitivo (Quiero verlo, ¿Podés llamarme?, Siempre voy a quererte, Fueron a buscarla, etc.) y el imperativo (Miralo; Llamame; Buscala; etc.). Con el gerundio pueden ir antes o después de la frase verbal (Los están examinando / Están examinándolos; Viene trayéndolo / Lo viene trayendo).
lo / la
los / las
lo / la
los / las
Pronombres objeto indirecto
Los pronombres objeto indirecto reemplazan a una palabra o frase que, en la oración, cumple esa función. (Preguntó la dirección a la recepcionista / Le preguntó la dirección; Pidió ayuda a los policías / Les pidió ayuda; Agregó un párrafo al informe / Le agregó un párrafo).
Se ubican delante del verbo (Le dieron un premio; ¿Te mandó el mail?, etc.), excepto con el infinitivo (Vengo a pagarle el alquiler; Voy a decirte la verdad etc.) y el imperativo (Dale otra oportunidad; Prestame diez pesos; etc.). Con el gerundio pueden ir antes o después de la frase verbal (Le están robando la billetera / Están robándole la billetera)
Pronombres reflexivos
Los pronombres reflexivos transforman en reflexivos ciertos verbos como bañarse, secarse, despertarse, morirse, vestirse, maquillarse, afeitarse, sentarse, pararse, acostarse, sentirse, etc.
The White Snake - English Tale
This little known, but charming story by the Brothers Grimm is about a servant who learns to understand the speech of animals. He travels the world and does favours to creatures along the way. And then, when he needs help to win the hand of a princess, they come to his aid.
A long time ago there lived a king who was famed for his wisdom through
all the land. Nothing was hidden from him, and it seemed as if news of
the most secret things was brought to him through the air. But he had
a strange custom; every day after dinner, when the table was cleared,
and no one else was present, a trusty servant had to bring him one more
dish. It was covered, however, and even the servant did not know what
was in it, neither did anyone know, for the King never took off the
cover to eat of it until he was quite alone.
This had gone on for a long time, when one day the servant, who took
away the dish, was overcome with such curiosity that he could not help
carrying the dish into his room. When he had carefully locked the door,
he lifted up the cover, and saw a white snake lying on the dish. But
when he saw it he could not deny himself the pleasure of tasting it,
so he cut off a little bit and put it into his mouth. No sooner had it
touched his tongue than he heard a strange whispering of little voices
outside his window. He went and listened, and then noticed that it was
the sparrows who were chattering together, and telling one another of
all kinds of things which they had seen in the fields and woods. Eating
the snake had given him power of understanding the language of animals.
Now it so happened that on this very day the Queen lost her most beautiful
ring, and suspicion of having stolen it fell upon this trusty servant,
who was allowed to go everywhere. The King ordered the man to be brought
before him, and threatened with angry words that unless he could before
the morrow point out the thief, he himself should be looked upon as guilty
and executed. In vain he declared his innocence.
In his trouble and fear he went down into the courtyard and though long and hard.
Now some ducks weresitting together quietly by a brook and taking their rest; and, whilst
they were making their feathers smooth with their bills, they were
having a confidentia conversation together. The servant stood by and
listened. They were telling one another of all the places where they had
been waddling about all the morning, and what good food they had found,
and one said in a pitiful tone, “Something lies heavy on my stomach;
as I was eating in haste I swallowed a ring which lay under the Queen’s
window.” The servant at once seized her, carried her to
the kitchen, and said to the cook, “Here is a fine duck; roast her for dinner.”
“Yes,” said the cook, and weighed her in his hand; “she has spared
no trouble to fatten herself, and has been waiting to be roasted long
enough.” And as he prepared the duck for dinner, he found the ring inside.
The servant could now easily prove his innocence; and the King, to make
amends for the wrong, allowed him to ask a favor, and promised him the
best place in the court that he could wish for. The servant refused
everything, and only asked for a horse and some money for traveling,
as he had a mind to see the world and go about a little.
When his request was granted he set out on his way, and one day came
to a pond, where he saw three fishes caught in the reeds and gasping
for water. Now, though it is said that fishes are dumb, he heard them
complaining that they must perish so miserably, and, as he had a kind
heart, he got off his horse and put the three prisoners back into the
water. They quivered with delight, put out their heads, and cried to him,
“We will remember you and repay you for saving us!”
He rode on, and after a while it seemed to him that he heard a voice
in the sand at his feet. He listened, and heard an ant-king complain,
“Why cannot folks, with their clumsy beasts, keep off our bodies? That
stupid horse, with his heavy hoofs, has been treading down my people
without mercy!” So he turned on to a side path and the ant-king cried
out to him, “We will remember you—one good turn deserves another!”
The path led him into a wood, and here he saw two old ravens standing by
their nest, and throwing out their young ones. “Out with you, you idle,
good-for-nothing creatures!” cried they; “we cannot find food for you
any longer; you are big enough, and can provide for yourselves.” But the
poor young ravens lay upon the ground, flapping their wings, and crying,
“Oh, what helpless chicks we are! We must shift for ourselves, and yet
we cannot fly! What can we do, but lie here and starve?” So the good
young fellow climbed down, and gave them his own food which he had
been carrying for his lunch.
Then they came hopping up to it, satisfied their hunger,
and cried, “We will remember you—one good turn deserves another!”
And when he had gone on a long way further, he
came to a large city. There was a great noise and crowd in the streets,
and a man rode up on horseback, crying aloud, “The King’s daughter
wants a husband; but whoever sues for her hand must perform a hard task,
and if he does not succeed he will forfeit his life.” Many had already
made the attempt, but in vain; nevertheless when the youth saw the King’s
daughter he was so overcome by her great beauty that he forgot all danger,
went before the King, and declared himself a suitor.
So he was led out to the sea, and a gold ring was thrown into it, in his
sight; then the King ordered him to fetch this ring up from the bottom of
the sea, and added, “If you come up again without it you will be thrown in
again and again until you perish amid the waves.” All the people grieved
for the handsome youth; then they went away, leaving him alone by the sea.
He stood on the shore and considered what he should do, when suddenly
he saw three fishes come swimming towards him, and they were the very
fishes whose lives he had saved. The one in the middle held a mussel in
its mouth, which it laid on the shore at the youth’s feet, and when he
had taken it up and opened it, there lay the gold ring in the shell. Full
of joy he took it to the King, and expected that he would grant him the
promised reward.
But when the proud princess saw that he was not her equal in birth,
she scorned him, and required him first to perform another task. She
went down into the garden and strewed with her own hands ten sacks-full
of millet-seed on the grass; then she said, “To-morrow morning before
sunrise these must be picked up, and not a single grain be wanting.”
The youth sat down in the garden and considered how it might be possible
to perform this task, but he could think of nothing, and there he sat
sorrowfully awaiting the break of day, when he should be led to death. But
as soon as the first rays of the sun shone into the garden he saw all the
ten sacks standing side by side, quite full, and not a single grain was
missing. The ant-king had come in the night with thousands and thousands
of ants, and the grateful creatures had by great industry picked up all
the millet-seed and gathered them into the sacks.
Presently the King’s daughter herself came down into the garden,
and was amazed to see that the young man had done the task she had
given him. But she could not yet conquer her proud heart, and said,
“Although he has performed both the tasks, he shall not be my husband
until he has brought me an apple from the Tree of Life.”
The youth did not know where the Tree of Life stood, but he set out,
and would have gone on for ever, as long as his legs would carry him,
though he had no hope of finding it. After he had wandered through three
kingdoms, he came one evening to a wood, and lay down under a tree to
sleep. But he heard a rustling in the branches, and a golden apple fell
into his hand. At the same time three ravens flew down to him, perched
themselves upon his knee, and said, “We are the three young ravens
whom you saved from starving; when we had grown big, and heard that you
were seeking the Golden Apple, we flew over the sea to the end of the
world, where the Tree of Life stands, and have brought you the apple.”
The youth, full of joy, set out homewards, and took the Golden Apple to
the King’s beautiful daughter, who had no more excuses left to make. They
cut the Apple of Life in two and ate it together; and then her heart
became full of love for him, and they lived in undisturbed happiness to
a great age.
La Canción del Jacarandá
Al este y al oeste,
Llueve y lloverá
Una flor y otra flor celeste
Del jacarandá
Una flor y otra flor celeste
Del jacarandá
La vieja está en la cueva
Pero ya saldrá
Para ver que bonito nieva
El jacarandá
Para ver que bonito nieva
El jacarandá
Se ríen las ardillas;
Ja, jara, ja,ja
Porque el viento le hace cosquillas
Al jacarandá
Porque el viento le hace cosquillas
Al jacarandá
El cielo en la vereda
Dibujado está
Con espuma y papel de seda
Del jacarandá
El viento como un brujo
Vino por acá
Con su cola barrió el dibujo
Del jacarandá
Si pasas por la escuela,
Los chicos, quizás,
Se pondrán una escarapela,
Del jacarandá
Se pondrán una escarapela,
Del jacarandá
Al este y al oeste,
Llueve y lloverá
Una flor y otra flor celeste
Del jacarandá
Una flor y otra flor celeste
Del jacarandá
Al este y al oeste,
Llueve y lloverá.
María Elena Walsh
Voseo , Tuteo o Formas de Tratamiento: Informales y el Ustedeo - Forma Formal
El "vos" se usa en Buenos Aires y algunas otras regiones. Su uso es equivalente al de la forma "tú", ni más ni menos respetuoso. El "vos" informal se opone al "usted" formal.
En los últimos tiempos se ha expandido el uso del "vos" como un modo de acercamiento y tratamiento amistoso. Podría decirse que es la forma más común y que el "usted" se usa para poner distancia, marcar intencionalmente jerarquías, indicar admiración por alguien mayor y destacado, resaltar el tratamiento respetuoso, o como resabio de épocas en las cuales la norma de uso era más rígida.
El "vos" se usa en relaciones amistosas o con intención amistosa, de familiaridad y entre personas jóvenes aunque el contacto no sea íntimo. Aún en la relación profesor-alumno, jefe-empleado, vendedor-cliente se puede usar el voseo, salvo que la intención sea marcar la asimetría.
El "usted" se usa en situaciones laborales formales (reunión empresarial, entrevista con un cliente, etc.) y entre personas mayores, por costumbre.
Cuando resulta difícil encontrar la forma de tratamiento adecuada es útil preguntar: "¿Puedo tutearlo?" o decir: "Podés tutearme". En ambos casos se supone respuesta afirmativa y, a partir de allí el intercambio puede hacerse en la forma amistosa.
Modo imperativo
Este modo no tiene distintos tiempos ni primera persona del singular.
Se usa para expresar órdenes, invitaciones, pedidos, siempre que sean afirmativos. Para órdenes, invitaciones, pedidos negativos se utiliza siempre, en todas las personas, "no" + Presente del Subjuntivo. ( Hablá ahora o no hables nunca más; Vení; Pase; Siéntense, Sírvase, etc.)
La forma "vos"
Todos los verbos son regulares para la forma "vos" en el imperativo: está, da, salí, tené, poné, hacé, vení, conocé, parecé, ofrecé, traducí, producí, conducí, almorzá, podé, dormí, pensá, queré, sentí, pedí, jugá, etc.
La fórmula es: Infinitivo – r + ´ = imperativo
La única excepción es el verbo "ir" que se reemplaza por "andar": andá.
Verbos regulares
Primera conjugación: hablar
Segunda conjugación: comer
Tercera conjugación: vivir
El verbo "estar"
Con irregularidad en la acentuación de la segunda persona singular "tú"
Verbo: estar
El verbo "ir" conserva la raíz irregular del presente (v-) en este modo y se reemplaza por "andar" cuando se usa el pronombre "vos"
Verbo: ir
Los verbos que agregan –g en el presente indicativo y del subjuntivo mantienen esa irregularidad en el imperativo, salvo en la segunda persona "tú" en la que omiten la desinencia.
Los verbos que llevan -g- en la primera persona del presente del indicativo: "salir", "oir"
Verbo: salir
Del mismo modo se conjugan: tener, poner, hacer (haz) y venir.
Verbo: oir
Los verbos terminados en -cer y -ucir
La irregularidad del presente indicativo y subjuntivo se mantiene también en los verbos en –zco, en las segundas personas "usted" y "ustedes"
Verbo: conocer
Del mismo modo: conducir, producir, parecer y ofrecer.
El uso del "ustedes"
El pronombre vosotros se usa solamente en España. Es un tratamiento informal para la segunda persona plural. En el resto de las regiones se usa el "ustedes" tanto para tratamiento formal como informal.
Español con influencia del Francés:
1.0 Artículos Definidos: le (masculino), la (femenino) en singular y les en plural, para ambos géneros. Se usa l' delante de una vocal o h muda en lugar de le o la (le père, la mère, les enfants, l'enfant, l'homme).
Preceden al nombre de un país (la France et l'Espagne). No sucede igual cuando el nombre del país es femenino, entonces preceden preposiciones à, de, en ( vivre en Costa Rica, aller à Colombia, revenir de Venezuela).
2.0 Artículos Contraídos du (de, le) y au (à le) preceden cuando los sustantivos del masculino singular inician por letra consonante o h muda; des (de les) mientras que aux (à les) preceden a todos los sustantivos.
3.0 Artículos Indefinidos un, une en singular y des en plural (un garçon, une fille, des enfants).
4.0 Artículos partitivos o parciales: de, de la, del', des (du pain, de la viande, de l'eau, des fruits) preceden al sustantivo excepto cuando la oración es negativa, entonces se usa de, d' (il ne boit pas de lait, il ne boit pas d'eau).
Inglês materiais na web dates and times dates and times
Historias em Inglês na web
If you have an English question about any of the 365 stories, please post it in the following.
Ask Expert Teacher
1. New to America
2. A Haircut
3. The Yardman
4. Grab Your Umbrellas
5. Shopping for Bargains
6. Horses to Ride
7. Does Garlic Mean Garlic?
8. A Shower Injury
9. Pete's Sharp Knife
10. Provider Overbills Customer
11. A Good Sandwich
12. Sara’s Upset Stomach
13. Please Marry Me!
14. Laundry Day
15. A Noisy Neighbor
16. The New Realtor
17. The Fire Alarm
18. Eddie's Short Visit
19. Carbon Monoxide
20. A Visit to Asia
21. School Boys
22. The Loose Button
23. The Pile of Paper
24. Brushing and Flossing
25. Raising the Kids
26. A Clean Toilet Bowl
27. A Love Letter
28. Spock Saves His Dad
29. A Bird Attacks
30. A Daytime Robbery
31. The Motorcycle Rider
32. The Breakup
33. Famous Model Dies
34. Shopping Carts Everywhere
35. Four Slit Throats
36. Trick or Treat
37. A Jealous Girlfriend
38. Towns Hit by Snowstorms
39. Another Jealous Girlfriend
40. She Loves Her Son
41. The Doctor’s Exam
42. Hospitals Can Make You Sick
43. English Is So Hard
44. Hollywood Stars and Tourists
45. GEICO’s TV Lizard
46. Law and Order in LA?
47. Destruction of Iraq
48. Have You Seen This Man?
49. LA Traffic Report
50. LA Radio News
51. Trash Truck Misses Pick-up
52. Her First Driving Accident
53. Maybe You’re Not a Good Principal
54. I’ve Got You Covered
55. Paris Goes to Jail in LA
56. A Year with No TV
57. Let’s Buy Some Paint
58. I Need Water for My Clients
59. Putting Bunny to Sleep
60. Where Is That Darn Battery?
61. If You Really Love Me…
62. The Wedding Gift (1)
63. The Wedding Gift (2)
64. Does a Tiger Change Its Stripes?
65. There’s No Place Like an Open House
66. “We Could Have All Died!”
67. It’s the Thought that Counts
68. Who Ordered the Scallops?
69. You’re Not My Daddy
70. Let He Who Is Without Sin…
71. Shopping at the 99 Cents Store
72. Betting Big in Vegas
73. Priced to Sell!
74. The Handyman Comes
75. A Woman Has Needs
76. A Hot Day and a Cool Pool
77. Up, Up, and Away
78. Man's Best Friend
79. Six Feet Under
80. An Unhappy Worker
81. Why the Sky Is Brown
82. It’s a Small World
83. Suspicious Shoppers
84. Death Is Part of Life
85. Tagger Shoots Woman
86. Crime on the Rise
87. Too Soft on Crime
88. Pluto Chases Kid
89. In Harm’s Way
90. “Semper Buy”
91. A Little Respect, Please
92. A Dream from Beyond (1)
93. A Dream from Beyond (2)
94. A Trip to Egypt
95. No Doughnuts for Old Folks
96. It’s Just Business
97. A Walk in the Wild
98. Elvis Is Alive and Well
99. Bad Weed, Bad Call
100. Shark Attack
101. Love in the Hospital
102. Interstate Bridge Collapses
103. Stop Selling Those Bunnies
104. Actor Tries to Kill Himself
105. US Senator Says He’s not Gay
106. E. Coli Is Everywhere
107. Influenza
108. The Hospital Orderly (1)
109. The Hospital Orderly (2)
110. Flower Power
111. Dog Inherits Millions
112. Man Holds Staff Hostage
113. Young Boy Defends Sister
114. Remember Me?
115. The Way to a Man’s Heart…
116. Homemade Ship to Sail Around the World
117. LA City Council Passes New Dog-Barking Law
118. Man Flies 200 Miles in Lawn Chair (1)
119. Man Flies 200 Miles in Lawn Chair (2)
120. Cleaning a Dirty Plate
121. The Driving Lesson
122. Hurricane Dean
123. Adventurer Disappears
124. Nursing Student Disappears
125. The Lovely Banana
126. Smells like Chicken
127. The Wedding (1)
128. The Wedding (2)
129. The Waiter
130. Your Country Thanks You
131. D.B. Cooper Lives On (1)
132. D.B. Cooper Lives On (2)
133. I’m No Alcoholic!
134. 48 Homes Burn Down near Malibu (1)
135. 48 Homes Burn Down near Malibu (2)
136. Drought Attacks Georgia
137. A Bad MRI Experience
138. Body in a Barrel (1)
139. Body in a Barrel (2)
140. Red Meat, Gray Water
141. All Bite, No Bark
142. Tiger Kills Two Men (1)
143. Tiger Kills Two Men (2)
144. Red Flowers Make Her See Red
145. The Starbucks Robbery
146. The Argument (1)
147. The Argument (2)
148. The Toilet Tank (1)
149. The Toilet Tank (2)
150. Santa Molested by Young Woman
151. Fire Kills Two Young Girls
152. Police Arrest Fire-Starters
153. Get out of "Jail" (1)
154. Get out of "Jail" (2)
155. New Year Celebrations Around the World
156. Man Leaves $50K to Waitress (1)
157. Man Leaves $50K to Waitress (2)
158. Who Needs School?
159. Black Friday
160. JFK Assassination
161. Don’t Top Off the Tanks
162. The Clapper
163. Tuberculosis Still Kills
164. Old Dogs Become Young Again
165. Ham and Eggplant
166. A Hole in Her Ear (1)
167. A Hole in Her Ear (2)
168. The Drugs Keep Coming
169. Woman Searches for Missing Husband (1)
170. Woman Searches for Missing Husband (2)
171. Don’t Get Mad—Get Even
172. The Christmas Gift (1)
173. The Christmas Gift (2)
174. The Haircut (1)
175. The Haircut (2)
176. The Robbery at the Mall (1)
177. The Robbery at the Mall (2)
178. The Driving Lesson (1)
179. The Driving Lesson (2)
180. The Move to Georgia (1)
181. The Move to Georgia (2)
182. I’ll Get a Job in a Restaurant
183. A Cleaner River (1)
184. A Cleaner River (2)
185. The Spitter
186. Kill Those Flies (1)
187. Kill Those Flies (2)
188. The Oil Change (1)
189. The Oil Change (2)
190. Boy Starts Huge Fire
191. Writers Go on Strike
192. Please Don’t Hurt Me!
193. It’s Just a Little White Lie
194. Jury Service in California
195. The Rude Golfer (1)
196. The Rude Golfer (2)
197. Man Invents Toilet for Cars
198. Monkeys Cause Man’s Death
199. The Light Eater (1)
200. The Light Eater (2)
201. Sara Went Shopping
202. Man Injured at Fast Food Place
203. A Life-Saving Cow
204. Driver Loses Mabel, Finds Jail
205. Jerry Decided To Buy a Gun
206. Freeway Chase Ends at Newsstand
207. Better To Be Unlucky
208. Food Fight Erupted in Prison
209. Wanted To Know How His Pig’s Doing
210. Goats Being Hired
211. A Missing Cat
212. Book Him
213. Water Under the Sink (Part One)
214. Water Under the Sink (Part Two)
215. Theft Occurs Everywhere
216. Eggs and a Bunny
217. Hotel Says Goodbye to Clean Couple
218. $100 Deposit
219. Books Don’t Grow on Trees
220. A Murder-Suicide
221. New Store and Its Owners
222. Mayor Denies Hit-and-Run Charge
223. Gasoline Prices Hit Record High
224. A Festival of Books
225. Crazy Housing Prices
226. Happy and Unhappy Renters
227. Pulling Out Nine Tons of Trash
228. Cloning Pets
229. Rentals at the Oceanside Community
230. Trees Are a Threat
231. Gets Booked, Writes a Book
232. Popular Park Reopens
233. Swim Classes Begin Soon
234. Getting Older But Not Sitting Around
235. Agencies Get Millions for Homeless
236. Tenants Watch Building Burn
237. Bathtub Blues
238. Blood Drive at Civic Center
239. City Hosts 42nd Art Fair
240. City and Crime
241. Bank Robbery
242. Immigration Goes Online
243. Jimmy Fixes His Door
244. Larry Needs a New Air-Conditioner
245. Man Gets 12 Years for Fraud
246. Man Shoots Up Post Office
247. Murals Are Over 200 Years Old
248. Pier Collapses
249. Cameras in Police Cars
250. A School Girl Sues Her School
251. SUV Driver Sends Officer Flying
252. Boy Drowns in Neighbor's Pool
253. Woman Dies in House Fire
254. Pilot Killed as Plane Crashes into House
255. Fishing for Girls
256. Woman Shot Next to Her Christmas Tree
257. Man Fatally Stabbed Outside Nightclub
258. Fishing Boat Sinks, Everyone Saved
259. The Mysterious Carport Stain
260. Woman Lies About Winning Lottery
261. Victory Dance Leads to Death
262. Eat Your Vegetables
263. Honk if You're in a Hurry
264. The Man Who Loved Women
265. How to Get out of Jury Duty
266. The Way to a Man’s Heart
267. Female Seeks Mature Male
268. Let’s Go Fishing
269. Train Wreck “Frees” Cows
270. Valuable Guitar Found
271. Stepmother Kills Herself
272. Beautiful Teacher Smiles, then Walks Away
273. Are Criminals Taking Over LA?
274. Police Arrest Happy Van Driver
275. Open Wide and Say Your Prayers
276. The Final Phone Call
277. The Doctor’s Almost Perfect Children
278. There Goes the Neighborhood!
279. Let’s Go to Vegas!
280. Squirrel Attacks Woman in Golf Cart
281. He Goes to War to Save His Baby
282. English Is Confusing
283. Pump Up the Tires and Ride the Bike
284. Don’t Go Swimming on an Empty Stomach
285. The Park That Went to the Dogs
286. Brother, Can You Spare a Carburetor?
287. Golf Like a Girl, Manage Like a Man
288. Take Me Out to the Ball Game
289. Take This Job and Shove It
290. Where Did That Book Go?
291. When You’ve Got Your Health, You've Got Everything
292. It Doesn’t Have That ‘New Car’ Smell
293. Rich Man Invites Poor Student to Dinner
294. It Only Rings When I'm in the Bathroom
295. It Was an Old, Worthless Clock
296. Schoolboys Get Five-Finger Discount on Candy
297. Collecting Seashells at the Seashore
298. Check Your Bags at the Store Entrance
299. When I Retire, We Will See the World
300. Get Me a Caffe Latte or Go to Jail
301. The Slow Computer (1)
302. The Slow Computer (2)
303. The Careful Reader
304. Avoid the Flu
305. Magician Attracts Women
306. US Border Patrol
307. Car Shopping in California
308. Happy Anniversary
309. “Read All about It!”
310. A Factory Worker
311. Bad Pork
312. Don’t Eat the Meat
313. Copper Robbers
314. The Driving Lesson (1)
315. The Driving Lesson (2)
316. Laundry Day (1)
317. Laundry Day (2)
318. The Bargain CD Set (1)
319. The Bargain CD Set (2)
320. It’s All Over
321. The New Clothes (1)
322. The New Clothes (2)
323. Food as Punishment
324. US Passports Outsourced
325. The Demanding Son
326. A Practical Joke
327. The Dead Pedestrian
328. Bad News, Good News
329. The Cluster Balloonist
330. The Rude Clerk
331. The Tax Charge
332. The Fire in the Hills (1)
333. The Fire in the Hills (2)
334. The Vacuum Cleaner Filter (1)
335. The Vacuum Cleaner Filter (2)
336. The Rental Car (1)
337. The Rental Car (2)
338. The Marathon Cheater
339. Honoring G.W. Bush
340. School Bus Crashes
341. The Chipped Teeth
342. Don’t Take My Property
343. New Law for Taco Trucks
344. The Horrible Face (1)
345. The Horrible Face (2)
346. The Refund (1)
347. The Refund (2)
348. Shut Your Mouth
349. TSA’s New Policy (1)
350. TSA’s New Policy (2)
351. I’m Pregnant
352. Court Approves Same-Sex Marriage
353. Making Peace with Russia
354. Impolite to His Brother
355. Protecting the Public
356. Malibu to License Paparazzi
357. The Cyclone in Myanmar
358. I’m Moving to NY
359. The Heart Attack (1)
360. The Heart Attack (2)
361. The 2008 Masters
362. The Bloody Forehead
363. Feds Threaten WWII Vet
364. Let’s Speak English
365. Bad Dreams
Sites de Pronunciação de Inglês Internacional e Britânico excelente
Sites de Clima na web site da metereologia em Espanhol
quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010
segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010
Sites sugeridos para leer Jornais jornal brasileiro!getPlayerAudio.action?destaque.idGuidSelect=DAD8419D60F34CCCB1C5FB2E4094260E
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Português audiolivro gratis a descarga
Treinamento de professores na Disal Editora São Paulo, Sp
Disal - São Paulo | Inglês Espanhol Direcionado a todos os idiomas * Arrecadação Solidária de Inverno
sexta-feira - 10h às 12h
Higor Cavalcante Teaching the Systems, part 2: Teaching Vocabulary and The Lexical Approach Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares.
Estudantes de letras (inglês).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 14h às 12h
Willy C. Cardoso Towards Learner
- Centered Curricula Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês. Professores e coordenadores do ensino fundamental, médio, superior, e de institutos de idiomas. Professores particulares. Estudantes de Letras e Pedagogia.
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 10h às 12h
Alan Amorim Classroom Management & Dynamics Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares.
Estudantes de letras (inglês).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 14h às 16h
Andreza Lago Jogos divertidos para a sua aula de inglês Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares.
Estudantes de letras (inglês).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 10h às 12h
Higor Cavalcante Teaching the Systems, part 3: Pronunciation Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares.
Estudantes de letras (inglês).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 14h às 16h
Martín Ernesto Russo ¿Cuando va con Indicativo o con Subjuntivo? Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de espanhol em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares. Estudantes de letras (espanhol).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 10h às 12h
Alan Amorim
Reading and Writing for play, not for work Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares.
Estudantes de letras (inglês).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
sexta-feira - 14h às 15h45
Adauri Brezolin
Alzira Allegro
Rosalind Mobaid
Happy Couples - colocações lexicais adjetivas:
diga-me com que palavra anda e eu lhe direi quem é Local: Disal Barra Funda
Convidados: Profissionais do ensino de inglês em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, institutos de idiomas, universidades. Professores particulares.
Estudantes de letras (inglês).
Mais informações e inscrições aqui
domingo, 23 de maio de 2010
Empanadas chilenas
La empanada chilena es muy famosa. Y hay de todo tipo, pero la calduda es considerada la empanada chilena. La carne se cocina lentamente en un caldo, ganando un delicioso sabor. El relleno o pino se endulza con pasitas y contrasta con el sabor rotundo de las aceitunas. ¡Buen provecho!
Rendimiento: 16 piezas
Complejidad: Moderada
Tiempo de preparación: 1 hora 30 minutos
Para la masa:
3 tazas de harina
1 cucharadita de sal de grano
1 barra de mantequilla sin sal, a temperatura ambiente, cortada en pedazos
2 yemas de huevo
2 cucharadas de vinagre de estragón o vinagre de vino blanco
Para el relleno
1 cucharada de aceite de oliva mezclado con una cucharadita de paprika española y 1 / 8 de cucharadita de cayena
2 cucharadas de mantequilla sin sal
2 tazas de cebolla, pelada y picada finamente
1/2 libra de carne de res (sirloin) molida
1 cucharadita de orégano fresco, picado o 1/4 de cucharadita de orégano seco
2 cucharaditas de sal de grano
1 hoja de laurel
1/2 taza de consomé de res
3 cucharadas de pasitas sin hueso
8 aceitunas tipo kalamata, sin hueso y picadas
1 huevo cocido picado
Para glasear
1 yema de huevo
1 huevo entero
1 cucharada de agua fría
1. Mezcla la harina con la sal en un recipiente. Añade la mantequilla, las yemas y el vinagre, y amasa rápidamente con los dedos hasta que los ingredientes se hayan incorporado.
2. Añade 5 cucharadas de agua y continúa amasando; si necesitas más cantidad de agua, añádela de poquito en poquito, para mantener firme la masa. Refrigérala hasta que la uses.
Para el relleno:
1. Calienta el aceite y la mantequilla en un sartén.
2. Fríe la cebolla a fuego medio hasta que dore ligeramente, unos 5 minutos.
3. Agrega la carne, las especias y cocínalas hasta que el líquido casi se haya evaporado. Prueba y añádele sal. Retira del fuego y reserva.
4. Precalienta el horno a 200ºC
5. En una superficie enharinada extiende la masa, apenas un poco menos de 1/2 centímetro y formando un rectángulo de 30 centímetros por lado. Corta círculos de 12 centímetros de diámetro y amasa de nuevo las tiras restantes, para volver a extender y continuar sacando círculos.
6. Coloca en el centro de cada círculo de masa una cucharada repleta de relleno, teniendo cuidado en dejar libre por lo menos un centímetro de masa para poder sellar la empanada. Puedes hacerlo con los propios jugos del relleno o con agua. Da forma de media luna y presiona con los dedos o con un tenedor para ensamblar la empanada y evitar que se abra durante la cocción.
7. Mezcla la yema con el huevo y el agua.
8. Prepara una charola para hornear con papel aluminio ligeramente engrasado y acomoda las empanadas barnizadas con la mezcla de huevo y agua.
9. Hornea durante 30 minutos o hasta que doren. Remueve de la charola y sirve las empanadas calientes.